Healing Touch OM
Dr. Mary Riggin, LAc, DAc, AP
FL Licensed since 1996
Specializing in Longevity and Optimal Health,
Facial Rejuvenation, Hormone Balancing,
Allergy Desensitizing and Family Health.
Acupuncture (needles optional), Herbal Formulas, Food Coaching,
Bodywork (Cupping & Gwa Sha), Cosmetic Acupuncture,
Eye and Chin Lifting, Wrinkle Treatment and Prevention
Ancient Methods * No Drugs * No Surgical Procedures
Patient Testimonials
Our purpose is to help as many people as possible obtain optimum health and to educate them about the benefits of Oriental Medicine. Learn about the experiences of our patients through their testimonials below.

My migraines are gone!
Thank you Dr. Mary!
- Susan, Palm Harbor
I cannot thank Dr. Mary and her great staff enough for giving my life back and more. Again thank you all so very much. I love you all.
Burt R. Age 41
Dr. Mary has helped me learn the importance of eating right to help maintain my health.
Catherine Y. Age 59

No more allergy symptoms and no more allergy medication! I'm hooked!
Sandy, Clearwater
My 4 yr old son was wetting the bed during the night. Also he had terrible mood swings. He was angry a lot and frustrated. He is really happy now. He keeps getting better all the time. As a family we are getting along better now. He seems to be acting more his age and is so happy to not get up in the night to change his clothes and bed. He says he is a "big boy" now! He loves Dr. Mary!
Audra B. Age 29
My 8 yr old daughter was having trouble gaining weight, and was also having skin issues. She has gained 5 lbs in just a few weeks and has NO skin issues! No more bandages! My daughter loves Dr. Mary! She is so happy she is able to fit into more clothes and happy she doesn't need bandages.
Audra B. Age 29
Oriental Medicine helped me to recover from gastric bypass and helps with stress. It keeps me healthy and reduces symptoms when I do feel low.
Kim I-H Age 45
Since coming to Healing Touch for treatment, my pain has decreased. I am not taking pain medication - even though I still have some symptoms [of rheumatoid arthritis] I believe my overall health has improved. Due to changing my food habits I have lost 80 lbs and eat for health.
Leslie B. Age 51
I don't take pain meds anymore. I can do most hobbies. I sleep well and feel very good. Without this treatment I would be crippled and would have had neck surgery.
Lydia S. Age 49
My hip hurt so much, I needed a cane to walk. I had x-rays taken and was told nothing could be done for me. I could no longer walk for pleasure and occasionally needed ibuprofen in order to sleep. Since getting treatment at Healing Touch I can now walk without a cane and with much less pain. As well as a great physical help, Healing Touch's treatment has been a great psycological help!
Michael Y. Age 58
Before getting treatment at Healing Touch, I was unable to do much beyond working because I usually felt ill. Now I rarely take medications, and I feel well most of the time.
Nicole F. Age 39
I started seeing Dr. Mary Riggin in 2015. I had an idea of what I thought was healthy but after taking Dr. Riggin's recommendations on food for myself and my children, I started noticing some differences in their health and behavior. I now make organic bone broth for the family, we use it as a soup base, to make rice and homemade sauces. This has been a wonderful addition to our diet as it not only helps with gut health and dealing with allergies, but is also wonderful for cold and flu season. Before this I played around with all raw, vegan, vegetarian diets. Although fruits and vegetables are so good for us, I started to get lazy and my two children (5 & 7) started craving chicken nuggets and other meats. I tried replacement meats but this usually resulted in lots of soy products and other fillers. Dr. Riggin helped me get myself and children off of estrogenic soy and back on to eating organic chicken, turkey, and beef. I learned that from the perspective of Chinese Medicine meat has it's place and as long is it is clean and mindfully processed, can actually be very healing to the body. I noticed moodiness in my children diminishing after removing the even occasional soy products. We also consume organic kefir which is full of probiotics and usually 99% lactose free so it is very easy to digest. I put it in smoothies for the girls or sweeten it with raw honey. I also was afraid of gluten for a while. Dr Riggin along side of her treatments helped me realize that European and sprouted grains are very good for you and certain conditions. I have learned so much about how different foods can help specific health issues. I am very blessed in meeting Dr. Mary Riggin and so grateful for her wisdom, food recommendations, as well as acupuncture and treatments!
Heidi O. Age: 30
Share Your Experience
We'd love to hear your comments about your treatment at Healing Touch Oriental Medicine. If you're interested in contributing a testimonial, please call our office at (727) 669-6000.

My thyroid labs normalized, and my doctor took me off my thyroid meds! Wow - thanks Healing Touch!
Peggy, Oldsmar
At 65 I can compete in athletics with 30 yr olds. My wife says I am in the best condition of my life. I haven't seen a chiropractor in 18 mos. My whole visage has changed and my stamina is great.
Dick M. Age 65
I am no longer stressed out at work or depressed. I am now getting restful sleep without having to get up during the night and change my night clothes from night sweats. My blood sugar readings are lower since I started my treatment [...] A wonderful friend talked to me about acupuncture about two years ago but I was so narrow minded at that time I did not listen to what she was saying to me. I have since thanked her because if it had not been for her I would still be struggling to deal with day to day life. I'm not sure if the treatment will work for everyone but I am proof that it has worked for me. If you have tried traditional medical treatments and it does not seem to work, why not try acupuncture. My only regret is that I waited so long to see Dr. Mary Riggin and Dr. Kim Marie. I have not been this happy in a very long time.
Edna W. Age 53

You are the BEST! After tying everything, Dr. Mary finally fixed my back pain, AND got the anxiety handled!
Jason, Palm Harbor
I really like the relaxed friendly atmosphere of Healing Touch and it's always a pleasure for me to come here for treatment. I recommend Healing Touch to everybody as one of the rare places where you can help your body to restore its functions naturally without drugs and side-effects of the drugs.
Olga B. Age 51
In a short period of time — less than a month — I have reduced my insulin intake by over 75%, lost over 17 pounds of belly fat, regained my lost energy, and no longer have the night sweats that had plagued me for so long. My blood sugar is lower now than it was when I was taking four times as much insulin. I never believed any of this would be possible when I first started treatment. When Dr. Marie told me she could help me reverse the diabetes I had for over 10 years that was getting worse and worse, I told her I didn't believe her - in terms that were not very nice. I have since apologized, and admitted I was wrong. As an elected state official, I do not normally give endorsements of any kind, but in this case, I am gladly making an exception. The reason I am sharing this information with everyone is in the hope of helping other diabetics in the same situation as I was in to be helped by Natural Medicine. Dr. Marie and Healing Touch Oriental Medicine are a Godsend. I feel very lucky to have found someone with the medical skills and knowledge to help me regain my health.
Peter Nehr, Former Florida State Representative Dist. 48. Age 58
I was suffering from chronic sinus infections and allergies to tree pollen. I first started treatment in 2004 and have not had a sinus infection since. I have missed one day of work due to illness since then. In addition I am able to enjoy the beautiful spring weather here in Florida. Not only have my sinuses been fine, but I believe my overall health has improved as well. What I love about acupuncture is it balances the WHOLE body!!
Rosemary R. Age 58
HTOM has given me some hope that I can be healed and off of all my meds. I have already eliminated some.
Scott B. Age 46
Through treatment at Healing Touch I found that my migraines were triggered by the foods I ate, not heredity. Not only have I healed that way, but I've also lost weight, became a healthier person & have much more energy. My "last resort" has become my saving grace.
Susan B. Age 53
Since I started coming to you for acupuncture I have been feeling progressively better. I had been fighting with different drugs to treat GERD, tried different supplements all for about three years and wasn't comfortable with the results. When I met you at the Wellness Expo- about a month ago, you told me you could help me if you saw me three times. Well, you did and I'm glad of it. I had about given up and felt that I'd have to carry several supplements wherever I went for the rest of my life. I wasn't interested in having to live without all of them. So, thank you, for your knowledge, experience and your trust and your personalized attention.
Sylvette F. Age 72